Laurie Gehrke

Laurie is the most knowledgeable person I know when it comes to care of the pediatric patient. We first met in 2009 when we worked as part of a new pediatric ground transport team. Her experience and knowledge has been shared throughout the United States through not only lecturing, but also through her input on publications and training materials. She is passionate about the nursing profession and dedicated to making sure she advocates for her patients and what is the right thing to do.
Areas of Expertise
Air and Ground Transport, specializing in pediatric critical care
Nationally acclaimed speaker and educator.
Crucial conversations with providers and families in pediatric critical care
Public speaking and education
Non-traditional delivery of traditional medicine.
Experience and Accomplishments
St. Luke’s Hospital School of Nursing Diploma, Professional Nursing Kansas City, Missouri 1981 Webster University School of Nursing BSN Degree Kansas City, Missouri 1986
Director of Education and IV Provider 2021-present Iowa IV Des Moines,
Iowa Flight Nurse/Educator-2015 to present Unity Point Life Flight Unity Point Health System Des Moines
Responsible for care of ill and injured children and adults during rotor wing transport. Based at remote Life Flight 2 base in Fort Dodge,
Iowa Pediatric Transport Team/Educator-2000 to present Blank Children’s Hospital/Unity Point Life Flight Unity Point Health System Des Moines, Iowa- Responsible for care of ill and injured children during air and ground transport. Respond to all in house pediatric emergencies and all pediatric and adult trauma activations.
Flight Nurse-1996-1998 Mercy Air Life Mercy Medical Center Des Moines, Iowa-Provided flight nursing care to children and adults during rotor wing transport.
Manager, Emergency Medical Services–1991-1996 Department of Emergency Medical Services University of Missouri Health Science Center Columbia, Missouri 65212 Provided management oversight for all clinical activities associated with University of Missouri Emergency Department (which included Level I Trauma Center,) Staff for Life Helicopter Service, University of Missouri Ambulance Service, Trauma Services, and EMS Education. Developed and implemented addition of Urgent Care Center to support managed care patient population.
Assistant Manager, Emergency Medical Services-1989-1991 Staff Nurse, Emergency Medical Services-1988-1989 Department of Emergency Services University of Missouri Health Science Center Columbia, Missouri- As Assistant Manager provided oversight of the Emergency Center under the direction of Department Manager. While a staff nurse provided routine emergency nursing care to children and adults.
Patient Family Coordinator/Staff Nurse, Emergency Medical Services-1986-1988 North Kansas City Hospital Kansas City, Missouri-Provided liaison between health care professionals and families of high acuity patients. As staff nurse, provided routine emergency nursing care. Staff Nurse, Emergency Medical Services-
1982-1986 Children’s Mercy Hospital Kansas City, Missouri
Staff Nurse, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit- 1981-1982 St. Luke’s Hospital Kansas City, Missouri
Basic Cardiac Life Support-Provider
Advanced Cardiac Life Support-Provider
Pediatric Advanced Life Support-Provider
Pediatric Advance Life Support-Instructor
Emergency Nurses Pediatric Course-Provider
Trauma Nurse Core Curriculum-Provider
Trauma Nurse Core Curriculum-Instructor
Advanced Trauma Nursing Course-Provider
Advanced Trauma Nursing Course-Instructor
Transport Professional AdvancedTrauma Course-Provider
Transport Professional Advanced Trauma Course-Instructor and Course Coordinator
Pediatric Advanced Transport Course-Instructor and Course Coordinator
Certified Emergency Nurse
Certified Pediatric Emergency Nurse
Iowa State Board of Nursing-
Registered Professional Nurse Missouri State Board of Nursing-Registered Professional Nurse, inactive
Regional Director Air and Surface Transport Nurse Association
Pediatric Advanced Transport Course Chairperson,
Iowa State Child Death Review Team Member and author,
TCN Manual revision team-responsible for pediatric content Member and author,
TPATC Course revision team Consulting author and course developer, steering committee member,
Pediatric Advanced Transport Class Consulting Editor Journal of Emergency Nursing Member,
Emergency Nurse Association Member,
Air and Surface Transport Nurse Association Gubernatorial appointment to Missouri State Advisory Council on EMS Chairperson,
Missouri Air Ambulance Subcommittee of State Advisory Council on EMS Member,
Missouri EMS legislative Task Force-responsible for redrafting all Missouri EMS legislation, including air and ground licensure and Trauma Center legislation
Member, Missouri State Advisory Committee on Poison Control Member,
Show Me State Games Finals Organizing Committee Member,
Columbia Missourian editorial advisory board
AMTC national conference speaker five times, presented complex teaching regarding transport of a variety of critically ill children.
EMSA speaker on multiple occasions, presenting teaching regarding care and transport of critically ill children and presented information from the Iowa Child Death Review Team
PESI corporation speaker providing one day seminars on Emergency Pediatric Care
Have presented at local and national conferences on a variety of subjects from simple to complex.
Often do case review follow up with referral facilities following critical ill pediatric transports. TPATC (Transport Professional Advanced Trauma Course) Instructor, author, and Course Coordinator PATC
(Pediatric Advanced Transport Course) Steering Committee Member, author, and Instructor